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 JB Digital Storytelling

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  • Writer's pictureJay Barrera

Storytelling in the Digital Age

Updated: Jan 26, 2019

Storytelling is a natural concept. We all can chronicle a tale of interest, which may be fabricated or fact. However, the gift of gab is not an ability many are born with; for some, it is an elusive skill that can only be attained by trial and error, and what works best for one, may not be the paramount solution for another. In retrospect, what may have worked before, does not necessarily guarantee success indefinitely nor consistently.

The ability to weave a narration into a coherent chronological tale that will captivate an audience has been a task that has been around since the dawn of mankind. Such stories have been told and passed down by elders, matriarch’s and patriarch’s charged with records of lineage, historical events, guidance and prophecy. As humankind evolved, and with the onset of the printing press, we learned to read and write as well as articulate and express ourselves in other means; especially those with an artistic flare.

Now we find ourselves at the dawn of the Digital Age, surrounded by audio, visuals, electronic devices, once and zeros and massive amounts of data, which can fit on the tips of our finger. We have evolved and the ability to communicate has expanded exponentially with the onset of Digital Media. Navigating a concept, or idea to a targeted audience has become a juggernaut task, but done correctly, can be a lucrative endeavor.

Digital Storytelling takes the reigns for communicating through Media Arts. Most of the world is connected. The Internet, gaming and social media have transformed the way we share, transfer and receive information. The concept of Digital Storytelling is telling narratives utilizing electronic devices with applicable software and generating a linear chronicle tale that will captivate an audience, whether it be a photograph, a few second clips that accumulates into a cinematic masterpiece or a diverse video game with interactive applications. Telling stories through digital means when done correctly, enhances the impact of the message. Take for instance the very first Political Cartoon created by Benjamin Franklin “Join or Die,” recreating the top image in Illustrator conveys a more vivid story, with color, tone and value. Why this skill is important to comprehend, and master has to do with the target audience, how to apply the different concepts in what is being conveyed and articulated. Understand what applications work best, in telling the story, and navigating a narrative from conception to fruition.

Everyone has a story to tell; Digital Storytelling is quickly becoming the forefront initiative to share those stories.

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